[ANNOUNCEMENT] PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC3 (beta) Released.
PEAR Announce
2014-10-16 01:12:38 UTC
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC3 (beta) has been released at http://pear.php.net/.

Release notes
- Improved default output for PHPCBF and removed the options to print verbose and progress output
- Fixer now uses temporary system files for diffing rather than creating them in the current working dir
- If a .fixed file is supplied for a unit test file, the auto fixes will be checked against it during testing
-- See Generic ScopeIndentUnitTest.inc and ScopeIndentUnitTest.inc.fixed for an example
- Fixer token replacement methods now return TRUE if the change was accepted and FALSE if rejected
- The --config-show command now pretty-prints the config values
-- Thanks to Ken Guest for the patch
- Setting and removing config values now catches exceptions if the config file is not writable
-- Thanks to Ken Guest for the patch
- Setting and removing config values now prints a message to confirm the action and show old values
- Generic ScopeIndentSniff has been completly rewritten to improve fixing and embedded PHP detection
- Generic DisallowTabIndent and DisallowSpaceIndent sniffs now detect indents at the start of block comments
- Generic DisallowTabIndent and DisallowSpaceIndent sniffs now detect indents inside multi-line strings
- Generic DisallowTabIndentSniff now replaces tabs inside doc block comments
- Squiz ControlStructureSpacingSniff error codes have been corrected; they were reversed
- Squiz EmbeddedPhpSniff now checks open and close tag indents and fixes some errors
- Squiz FileCommentSniff no longer throws incorrect blank line before comment errors in JS files
- Squiz ClassDeclarationSniff now has better checking for blank lines after a closing brace
- Removed error Squiz.Classes.ClassDeclaration.NoNewlineAfterCloseBrace (request #285)
-- already handled by Squiz.Classes.ClassDeclaration.CloseBraceSameLine
- Fixed bug #280 : The --config-show option generates error when there is no config file

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

Related Links
Package home: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
Changelog: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/download/2.0.0RC3
Download: http://download.pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC3.tgz

Greg Sherwood (lead)
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