[ANNOUNCEMENT] PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC2 (beta) Released.
PEAR Announce
2014-09-25 23:49:35 UTC
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC2 (beta) has been released at http://pear.php.net/.

Release notes
- Minified JS and CSS files are now detected and skipped (fixes bug #252 and bug #19899)
-- A warning will be added to the file so it can be found in the report and ignored in the future
- Fixed incorrect length of JS object operator tokens
- PHP tokenizer no longer converts class/function names to special tokens types
-- Class/function names such as parent and true would become special tokens such as T_PARENT and T_TRUE
- PHPCS can now exit with 0 if only warnings were found (request #262)
-- Set the ignore_warnings_on_exit config variable to 1 to set this behaviour
-- Default remains at exiting with 0 only if no errors and no warnings were found
-- Also changes return value of PHP_CodeSniffer_Reporting::printReport()
- Rulesets can now set associative array properties
-- property name="[property]" type="array" value="foo=>bar,baz=>qux"
- Generic ForbiddenFunctionsSniff now has a public property called forbiddenFunctions (request #263)
-- Override the property in a ruleset.xml file to define forbidden functions and their replacements
-- A replacement of NULL indicates that no replacement is available
-- e.g., value="delete=>unset,print=>echo,create_function=>null"
-- Custom sniffs overriding this one will need to change the visbility of their member var
- Improved closure support in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
- Improved indented PHP tag support in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
- Improved fixing of mixed line indents in Generic ScopeIndentSniff
- Added conflict detection to the file fixer
-- If 2 sniffs look to be conflicting, one change will be ignored to allow a fix to occur
- Generic CamelCapsFunctionNameSniff now ignores a single leading underscore
-- Thanks to Alex Slobodiskiy for the patch
- Standards can now be located within hidden directories (further fix for bug #20323)
-- Thanks to Klaus Purer for the patch
- Sniff ignore patterns now replace Win dir separators like file ignore patterns already did
- Exclude patterns now use backtick delimiters, allowing all special characters to work correctly again
-- Thanks to Jeremy Edgell for the patch
- Errors converted to warnings in a ruleset (and vice versa) now retain their fixable status
-- Thanks to Alexander Obuhovich for the patch
- Squiz ConcatenationSpacingSniff now has a setting to specify how many spaces there should around concat operators
-- Default remains at 0
-- Override the "spacing" setting in a ruleset.xml file to change
- Added auto-fixes for Squiz InlineCommentSniff
- Generic DocCommentSniff now correctly fixes additional blank lines at the end of a comment
- Squiz OperatorBracketSniff now correctly fixes operations that include arrays
- Zend ClosingTagSniff fix now correctly leaves closing tags when followed by HTML
- Added Generic SyntaxSniff to check for syntax errors in PHP files
-- Thanks to Blaine Schmeisser for the contribution
- Added Generic OneTraitPerFileSniff to check that only one trait is defined in each file
-- Thanks to Alexander Obuhovich for the contribution
- Squiz DiscouragedFunctionsSniff now warns about var_dump()
- PEAR ValidFunctionNameSniff no longer throws an error for _()
- Squiz and PEAR FunctionCommentSniffs now support _()
- Generic DisallowTabIndentSniff now checks for, and fixes, mixed indents again
- Generic UpperCaseConstantSniff and LowerCaseConstantSniff now ignore function names
- Fixed bug #243 : Missing DocBlock not detected
- Fixed bug #248 : FunctionCommentSniff expects ampersand on param name
- Fixed bug #265 : False positives with type hints in ForbiddenFunctionsSniff
- Fixed bug #20373 : Inline comment sniff tab handling way
- Fixed bug #20377 : Error when trying to execute phpcs with report=json
- Fixed bug #20378 : Report appended to existing file if no errors found in run
- Fixed bug #20381 : Invalid "Comment closer must be on a new line"
-- Thanks to Brad Kent for the patch
- Fixed bug #20402 : SVN pre-commit hook fails due to unknown argument error

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

Related Links
Package home: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
Changelog: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/download/2.0.0RC2
Download: http://download.pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0RC2.tgz

Greg Sherwood (lead)
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