[ANNOUNCEMENT] PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0a2 (alpha) Released.
PEAR Announce
2014-05-01 04:53:52 UTC
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0a2 (alpha) has been released at http://pear.php.net/.

Release notes
- Added report type --report=info to show information about the checked code to make building a standard easier
-- Checks a number of things, such as what line length you use, and spacing are brackets, but not everything
-- Still highly experimental
- Generic LineLengthSniff now shows warnings for long lines referring to licence and VCS information
-- It previously ignored these lines, but at the expense of performance
- Generic DisallowTabIndent and DisallowSpaceIndent sniffs no longer error when detecting mixed indent types
-- Only the first type of indent found on a line (space or indent) is considered
- Lots of little performance improvements that can add up to a substantial saving over large code bases
-- Added a "length" array index to tokens so you don't need to call strlen() of them, or deal with encoding
-- Can now use isset() to find tokens inside the PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens static vars instead of in_array()
- Custom reports can now specify a $recordErrors member var; this previously only worked for built-in reports
-- When set to FALSE, error messages will not be recorded and only totals will be returned
-- This can save significant memory while processing a large code base
- Removed dependence on PHP_Timer
- PHP tokenizer now supports DEFAULT statements opened with a T_SEMICOLON
- The Squiz and PHPCS standards have increased the max padding for statement alignment from 8 to 12
- Squiz EchoedStringsSniff now supports statments without a semicolon, such as PHP embedded in HTML
- Squiz DoubleQuoteUsageSniff now properly replaces escaped double quotes when fixing a doubled quoted string
- Improved detection of nested IF statements that use the alternate IF/ENDIF syntax
- PSR1 CamelCapsMethodNameSniff now ignores magic methods
-- Thanks to Eser Ozvataf for the patch
- PSR1 SideEffectsSniff now ignores methods named define()
- PSR1 and PEAR ClassDeclarationSniffs now support traits (request #20208)
- PSR2 ControlStructureSpacingSniff now allows newlines before/after parentheses
-- Thanks to Maurus Cuelenaere for the patch
- PSR2 ControlStructureSpacingSniff now checks TRY and CATCH statements
- Squiz SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff now detects whitespace at the end of block comment lines
-- Thanks to Klaus Purer for the patch
- Squiz LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff no longer reports errors for namespaced functions
-- Thanks to Max Galbusera for the patch
- Squiz SwitchDeclarationSniff now allows exit() as a breaking statement for case/default
- Squiz ValidVariableNameSniff and Zend ValidVariableNameSniff now ignore additional PHP reserved vars
-- Thanks to Mikuláš Dítě and Adrian Crepaz for the patch
- Sniff code Squiz.WhiteSpace.MemberVarSpacing.After changed to Squiz.WhiteSpace.MemberVarSpacing.Incorrect (request #20241)
- Fixed bug #20200 : Invalid JSON produced with specific error message
- Fixed bug #20204 : Ruleset exclude checks are case sensitive
- Fixed bug #20213 : Invalid error, Inline IF must be declared on single line
- Fixed bug #20225 : array_merge() that takes more than one line generates error
- Fixed bug #20230 : Squiz ControlStructureSpacing sniff assumes specific condition formatting
- Fixed bug #20234 : phpcbf patch command absolute paths
- Fixed bug #20240 : Squiz block comment sniff fails when newline present
- Fixed bug #20247 : The Squiz.WhiteSpace.ControlStructureSpacing sniff and do-while
-- Thanks to Alexander Obuhovich for the patch
- Fixed bug #20248 : The Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ControlStructureSpacingSniff sniff and empty scope
- Fixed bug #20252 : Unitialized string offset when package name starts with underscore

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

Related Links
Package home: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
Changelog: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/download/2.0.0a2
Download: http://download.pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.0.0a2.tgz

Greg Sherwood (lead)
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